Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Harvest Pearl

...Quick Blog as promised for Daniela...I've been hemming, planting and wrestling with Baha'i kids all night.

"I have a new game, lets play hit David."

Oh well, I was trying to water plants (real plants--non-plastic) and lil' Dustin and Macey kept messing with the hose so that everytime I thought the water was dry I would feign village idiot and look into the nozzle and they would twist the spriket and I would get soaked which is all fun and laughs at first but gets old around round 30.

Anyway, I heard a cool story about Pearl form Mike two days ago. Apparently she had a very 'arayesque' dream where she was taken by the Master himself up to some sort of Heaven. They had a long discourse but Pearl was really intrigued by what appeared to be flecks of lights scattered all throughout the planet.

"Those are Baha'i souls." The master said.

Later in Pearls life she was usurped in a dream again and the Master pointed back down at the planet. More lights, bottled translucent flecks were visible, and they were beaming with even more radiance.

The faith had spread. Even in her own lifetime. It had spread very far indeed.

Time to crash. What's important is not the vehicle, but the light. Peace.

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