Friday, October 22, 2004

"Laughed and made love and were born and died"

"I remember in college listening to a professor explain that many painters chose colors that were in fact far more muted than the actual, outside world. The real world's palette was much closer to a sunny Monet than to a pallid Pissarro. It was as though painters were afraid to be so bright, so exposed, so opened to criticism. This always struck me as it relatd to fiction writing. In the real world, experience and passion are intense. People loved intensely, grieved intensely, laughed and made love and born and died, and all of it was pretty intense. Yet so many modern novels seemed to miss that--even to deny it. In modern fiction everything was distant and intellectualized. Relationships started and ended and you sighed, yes yes, so true, and the book was over."

-Dan Allan, author of Lisa33

1 comment:

Daniela Kantorova said...

how so very true. if i ponder the experiences that have been unraveling since May, i think: if this was a film or a book, people would not believe it. they would scorn it, and say, how ridiculously overboard. and that's how life should be.